Saturday 6 February 2010

February 6, 2010

I stepped out onto the porch to take a couple photos just now and found a few more on the camera that my daughter must have taken after the last time I posted pics on 12/31. See below.

It's pretty much impossible to know how much snow we got on account of the wind. In a few places I can see bare ground and in some places I walked though this morning to do chores it was well above my knees. We had to have gotten at least a foot. The wind is so strong that when I came out of the red barn after milking, the tracks I had made 20 minutes earlier were completely filled in. After my cheese is in the final press I plan to go out and plow/shovel. This is probably fruitless because the wind is supposed to blow 20 mph all day and 15 mph all night. I anticipate being snowed in tomorrow morning but we'll see.

This is me coming home from work the last time we had snow.

Here is the northwest corner of the red barn. The north facing corners of all our buildings are swept free like this with big drifts on either side.

Our house.

Porter House, the bull calf.

Warm & toasty!

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